Christians are bigots. They tell gay people that their very identity is unnatural and that they should not live their lives based on their sexuality.
Christians believe all people without exception are under the wrath of God for their sin, not just homosexuals. So no one is being singled out here. We were all born in sin. Which is why we must be born again. So when Christians declare homosexuality sinful it is no different than if they say fornication or adultery is sinful. All are summoned to come to Christ to be liberated from the guilt and power of sin. We all desperately need Christ. I am no better than someone who self identifies as a gay person and definitely do not deserve heaven more than he does.
Can’t you see that this idea of needing Christ is nothing more than a religious and cultish tactic to keep you in? Now consider that no evidence has ever been revealed for this god. For someone so impactful in human history all he can leave behind is a book that has many contradictions and bad morals. Also to follow many supernatural explanations have been replaced with natural ones while the opposite has not happened. Also I am no better than a gay person? You are implying that there is something wrong with being gay. This is because your bible was written at a time where this sort of thing was akin to cannibalism in terms of how taboo it was, with that in mind it makes far more sense that the bible is just a book projecting mans pride into a being that is portrayed as the hero but is really the villain that constantly says he loves us just to stop us from rejecting him.
By changing the subject I assume that you acknowledge that the original charge that Christians are bigots was spoken presumptuously.