"In studying divine covenants in general, one is treading through understanding God's Redemptive Plan throughout history. This is a matter of Eternal Salvation. It answers the question: How may a sinful man approach God (Exodus 3:5)?"
Herman Witsius
Free aBooks
Economy of the Covenants Between God and Man (eBook) by Herman Witsius
A View of the Covenant of Works (eBook) by Thomas Boston
A View of the Covenant of Grace (eBook) by Thomas Boston
The Marrow of Modern Divinity: Modernized and Annotated (eBook) by Edward Fisher & Thomas Boston
Covenant Theology: A Biblical, Theological, and Historical Study of God's Covenants (eBook) by J. Ligon Duncan
The Covenants of Works and Grace (eBook) by Walter Chantry
The Doctrine of the Two Covenants (eBook) by by Ezekiel Hopkins