Sadly, many of those out there who now call themselves "evangelicals" are really nothing more than deists whose religion is to spread the so-called gospel of Christian values, behavior modification and therapeutic "salvation". It is painful to say but this large amorphous group can no more be identified with the Biblical gospel of grace than can Roman Catholicism. Both are semi-pelagian heretical movements that have only a nominal relation to the redemptive message of the Bible. Therefore, it is imperative that biblical Christianity make a clean break with these groups to make a clear distinction, lest the average man confuse the two and the gospel is completely lost on them.
Take the rally in Washington D.C. yesterday that had Pope Francis as one of the speakers. Pope Francis!!!! Speaking of Christianity I understand that he said, "Give it a try! You have nothing to lose! Try it."
But Christ is not a thing one gives a try like Coca Cola. No, Jesus is Lord and is soon coming to invade with His armies and will overthrow all injustice with the breath of His mouth. He is offering pardon in advance of His invasion to all those who receive Him (John 1:12, 13). Those who, by the grace of God, have joined themselves to Him now before He invades will be considered His ally and He will raise them up to be co-heirs with Christ as sons. Those who refuse will be trampled down in the wine press of the wrath of the Lord almighty.(Rev. 19:5) Trust in Him today and escape the wrath of God. That is a command, not something you "try".