Can a Professing Christian Who Has Turned Away from Christ Be Saved?
by R. C. SproulI believe that once a person is authentically redeemed, is truly in Christ, that person will never be lost to Christ. That person has what we call eternal security—not because of the...
View ArticleCome as You Are?
"It is misleading to say that God accepts us the way we are. Rather he accepts us despite the way we are. He receives us only in Christ and for Christ's sake. Nor does He mean to leave us the way He...
View ArticleFaith Involves Both Renunciation and Reliance
by Jerry Bridges"Faith involves both a renunciation and a reliance. First, we must renounce any trust in our own performance as the basis of our acceptance before God. We trust in our own performance...
View ArticleHate Masquerading as Love
The sad irony is that the very "churches" that claim to want full inclusion of practicing LGBT persons into their fellowship/membership are the very same churches that would deny them entrance into the...
View ArticleAre Christians Better than Non-Christians?
I have sometimes heard the charge from skeptics that Christians come off as thinking they are better than other people. This impression perhaps arises for at least two reasons: 1) because a professing...
View ArticleResponding to Christianese: Since God is Love He would Never Violate our Free...
When I hear professing Christians say that since God is love He would never violate our free will (btw, a concept not found in the Bible)... my first thought is to ask:"So you are troubled that God did...
View ArticleWhy does God command Christians to be holy when we are already holy in Christ?
“You shall be holy, for I am holy.” - 1 Peter 1:16"Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear...
View ArticleThe Lordship Controversy Resolved?
Christ's Lordship is bound up in His being the Savior. Here is why:When a person comes to faith in Christ as Savior, are they not acknowledging their helplessness, and so come to Him in the hope that...
View Article"Anyone can be saved If they will."
Visitor: Any person can be saved, if they will.Response: Don't we all believe any person can come if they will? The problem is, are there any persons naturally willing to submit to the terms of the...
View ArticleNot Able Not to Sin
I often see critiques from professing Christians online regarding their deep opposition to the biblical view that, due to a corruption of nature, fallen man has no free will to come to Christ. Recently...
View ArticleJohn 6:40 as a Proof Text Against Calvinism?
Visitor: As a proof text against Calvinism:John 6:40 For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last...
View ArticleNot by Free Will but by Grace through Faith -- St. Augustine
Men are not Saved by Good Works, nor by the Free Determination of their Own Will, but by the Grace of God through FaithBut this part of the human race to which God has promised pardon and a share in...
View ArticleIs it Unjust of God to Ask Sinners to Do What They Are Morally Unable to Do?
Some claim it would be unjust of God to command us to do something we are unable to do. That is an odd claim. Isn't that why we need grace to begin with? ... because we are morally bankrupt?, impotent...
View ArticleThis Week's Listing of Free Resources at Monergism
"For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God...
View ArticleTwo Top Rated Books on the Gospel
Among the best books ever written on the gospel. Both available for free downloadClick on the following links to go to the download pages. These high quality eBooks have an actively linked Table of...
View ArticleHide Not the Offense of the Cross
by C. H. Spurgeon“But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man” —Galatians 1:11A gospel which is after men will be welcomed by men; but it needs a divine...
View ArticleHope for the Wretched (Like Me)
by Herman BavinckBoth for unbelievers and believers, the doctrine of election is a source of inexpressibly great comfort. If it were based on justice and merit, all would be lost. But now that election...
View ArticleSalvation as a Gift: An Arminian Attempts to Discredit Calvinism
Here is my response to a meme I came across today which attempts to critique the Calvinist who says an Arminian's choice of following Jesus can be grounds for boasting before God.-----Salvation is a...
View Article5 Principles of Evangelical Religion
by J. C. RyleI. To the question “what Evangelical Religion is? ” the simplest answer I can give is to point out what appear to be its leading features. These I consider to be five in number.( a ) The...
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