How's Your Prayer Life?
by Dr. Martyn Lloyd JonesWhat is the place of prayer in your life? What prominence does it have in our lives? It is a question that I address to all. It is as necessary that it should reach the man who...
View ArticleThe Necessity of Word & Spirit in Conversion
The following is an expression of the extraordinarily balanced understanding of John Calvin with regards to the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing persons to faith through the preaching of the gospel....
View ArticleThis Thanksgiving, You are Not Going to Persuade Your Friends and Family of...
This Thanksgiving, YOU are not going to convince your relatives and friends of the truth of the gospel. You can present evidence or argue with them till you are blue in the face, and they are not going...
View ArticleIslamic and Secular Fundamentalism
Both Muslim and militant Secular fundamentalists are quite alike. They both seek a monopoly on power and wield this power through the worship of an "us vs. them" political deity which will use just...
View ArticleCalvin's Commentary on Zechariah 8:14
by John Calvin"For thus saith Jehovah of hosts: As I thought to do evil unto you, when your fathers provoked me to wrath, and I repented not; so again have I thought in these days to do good unto...
View ArticleCyber Monday Kindle Deals for the Reformed Reader
Free eBooks on RegenerationNote: After going to download page, remember to right-click the download link and save to your hard driveCharnock, Stephen RegenerationKuyper, Abraham Saved by Grace Alone:...
View ArticleCan a Christian Lose His or Her Salvation?
by Greg JohnsonOne major debate within Christian circles is the question of whether or not a Christian can lose his or her salvation. Arminians argue that true believers can sin so much that they lose...
View ArticleNo Lie Too Monstrous, and No Story Too Absurd
by J. C. RyleThose who had been listening to [Jesus] replied, "Aren't we correct in saying that you are a Samaritan and are possessed by a demon?" Silenced in argument, these wicked men resorted to...
View ArticleDoesn’t Matthew 22:14 contradict Romans 8:29-30?
Visitor Question: Doesn’t Matthew 22:14 contradict Romans 8:29-30? In other words, how can Matthew claim that not all who called are chosen, while Romans claims that all who are predestined are...
View ArticleTo Cut off the Sinner from All Hope in Himself
by John HendryxOne of the most prevalent motifs that runs through the whole Bible is its constant reminder of the insufficiency of man. While this may seem all too obvious, we need constant reminding...
View ArticleMonergism Reading Guide 2015
If you are giving books as a gift to your friends and family this year, we have compiled a list of some of the best classic and contemporary books for beginner, intermediate and advanced readers. If...
View ArticleAdversity
by Terry JohnsonBackground Reading:Romans 8:26-39; Genesis 50:15-21In 1858, a gifted young Presbyterian missionary named John G. Paton sailed with his wife and infant son to the New Hebrides in the...
View ArticleDoes Our Cooperation With God Have Redeeming Value?
Some professing Christians believe that their cooperation with God is, at least partly, what redeems them. Indeed we believe and work but we do so because God works in us to do according to his good...
View ArticleHow does the doctrine of God's unmerited sovereign grace toward us apply...
One of the first things that always comes to mind is how salvation by God's free grace radically affects how we treat unbelievers or skeptics. When we truly understand the biblical gospel of the grace...
View ArticleAbout That Christianity Thing
There are some things that are non-negotiable, and by that I mean those things that make Christianity what it truly is. When Christians make a common confession assenting to the essentials of the...
View ArticleResources For Communicating the Gospel to Mormons
I recently asked Aaron Shafovaloff, who does evangelistic work among Mormons in Utah, what were some of his recommendations for top online resources out there for interacting with Mormons. He answered...
View ArticleAn Introduction to the Gospel: A Covenant Theology Primer
by John HendryxHow may a sinful man approach God (Exodus 3:5)? Does God require perfect obedience to His law in order to achieve the righteousness He requires of us?"...Teacher, what good deed must I...
View ArticleTo What is Your Heart Being Held Captive?
by Paul David TrippWhen awe of anything but God kidnaps and controls your heart, you simply will not stay inside God's boundaries. But when a deep, reverential fear of God has captivated your heart,...
View ArticlePluralism as a Religious Philosophy
by Tim Keller & Charles GarlandAbout every other week, I confront popular pluralist notions that have become a large part of the way Americans think. For example, pluralists contend that no one...
View ArticleOnline Resources - Valuable, Christ-Honoring & Free (3/29)
A Treatise on Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards, In ePub, .mobi & .pdf formatsDoctrine of the Holy Spirit (37-Part MP3 Series) by Dr. Sinclair B. FergusonSystematic Theology (27-Part MP3...
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