Sanctification via Union With Christ
God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. He is the source of your life...
View ArticleKey Quotes from Answering Jihad by Nabeel Qureshi
If we define Islam, not as the practice of Muslims, but as the teachings of Muhammad then violence is an integral part of Islam. Those Muslims who teach that surah 9 of the Quran has not been abrogated...
View ArticleFollow the Lord Wherever He Leads
by John CalvinALTHOUGH the Law of God contains a perfect rule of conduct admirably arranged, it has seemed proper to our divine Master to train his people by a more accurate method, to the rule which...
View ArticleThe Self-Denial That Brings Contentment
by Jeremiah BurroughsChrist teaches self-denial and how that brings contentment.1. Such a person learns to know that he is nothing. He comes to this, to be able to say, 'Well, I see I am nothing in...
View ArticleA Reminder to the Covenant God
by John HendryxIt is pretty common knowledge that it rains quite a bit here in our city of Portland, Oregon. Most often it is a very light rain such that the city-dwellers do not even use umbrellas...
View ArticleGod Calls Us to the Impossible
God calls all of us to the impossible: an impossible standard, an impossible life, an impossible faith. The Divine legislation was not designed to awaken our natural ability but to reveal our...
View ArticleWhat are the Moral Values of a Consistent Atheist?
What are the moral values of a consistent atheist? Well, it would be consistent if he or she were a person of integrity but it would also be consistent if they were a person of dishonor, racism, greed,...
View ArticleShould We Teach "Free Will" for Practical Reasons?
Recently, I received a comment from someone who suggested that we should still teach "free will" because it practically helps encourage people to behave ethically. This was the statement:The belief...
View ArticlePray When You Evangelize Because God Alone is Sovereign Over the Hearts of Men
"And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to...
View ArticleSo if the unregenerate cannot understand God, what is the use of declaring...
Have you considered that those who are unregenerate already know God, but they know Him as an enemy, not as a friend. Romans 1 declares although they "knew God" they "suppressed the truth in...
View ArticleThe Dangerous Illogic of Secularism
The image on the right was a recent meme posted on Facebook shortly after the horrible tragedy killing 50 people in Orlando, carried out by a lone Muslim gunman who had declared his allegiance to ISIS....
View ArticleAfter Orlando: A Letter to a Secular Friend
Dear ______,In a recent conversation, among other things, you made the claim that Christians are complicit in the tragic Orlando shootings by arguing that "you weren't the gunman, but you think gay...
View ArticleWho is Quashing Who's Freedoms?
Did you ever notice that the persons who love to claim that Christians are out to quash everyone's freedom; and want to oppress everyone, are the same persons who have so strenuously and forcefully...
View ArticleHe Will Not Forsake His Saints
Brothers and sisters, let's acknowledge reality: we are no longer on a slippery slope. We have already hit bottom and the edifices of the new order are already being erected there. But do not fret - it...
View ArticleFour-Point Calvinists & Multiple Intentions in the Atonement
Visitor: 4-point Calvinists like Bruce Ware affirm 'multiple intentions' for the atonement, all shared symmetrically within the Trinity. The Father employs election and preterition, the Son atones...
View Article12 Principles for Online Discussion
By His great mercy, through no merit of our own, God has delivered us from captivity and He has now given us a mission of mercy to declare the gospel to a world that is still in darkness. In the last...
View ArticleAtheism and Existential Nihilism
Guest Post by Steve HaysI'll comment on a post by Jeff Lowder:'s analysis is dependent on Erik J....
View ArticleInability and Accountability
"Can a ... leopard change his spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil." - Jeremiah 13:23There are a number of professing Christians who have actually been taught that God would...
View ArticleSome Recoil At the Idea that God Ordains Evil or Disasters
It genuinely baffles me that there are professing Christians out there (e.g. Rachel Held Evans, Roger Olson) who, because of moral qualms, reject the biblical idea that disasters in this world are...
View ArticleDiversity through Relentless Conformity
Dear friends, there is a great malignancy in our land called secular progressivism - a movement that ironically wants diversity through relentless conformity. But we cannot continue in our attempts to...
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